
Core Transport Simulator (ETS)

ETS source in FORTRAN


You can checkout the FORTRAN ETS workflow from gforge / project ETS following instructions from ETS User Guide

If you did not use ETS before, first you need to request access to the code via the EFDA ITM Portal by following the GForge tab, following the project ETS and requesting access.

Once you have access to the code, it can be checked out of SVN using

svn co https://gforge6.eufus.eu/svn/ets
to access the whole repository, or
svn co https://gforge6.eufus.eu/svn/ets/trunk/ETS
to access just the trunk version of the ETS.

The ETS project on Gforge also includes:

last update: 2019-01-31 by g2dpc