FC2K is a tool for wrapping a Fortran or C++ source code into a Kepler actor. Before using it, your physics code should be ITM-compliant (i.e. use CPOs as input/output).

After running the ITMv1 script (to properly set up the environment variables), FC2K can be run simply by typing fc2k in the Linux command line.

fc2k was developed by ISIP in Java/Pytho. The program source is stored in the Gforge subversion repository fc2k. To check out a subversion working copy of the repository, storing it in subdirectory fc2k, do

svn co https://gforge6.eufus.eu/svn/fc2k
Executables etc are in $SWITMDIR/ihm/fc2k/.

There are a few tools for managing actors, in $ITMSCRIPTDIR/ (put it in your $PATH):

  • rmactor: remove an actor from your Kepler version ($KEPLER).
  • extract_actor: export an actor from $KEPLER.
  • import_actor: import an actor into $KEPLER. Then update your Kepler version:
    cd $KEPLER
    ant buildkarlib

last update: 2019-01-31 by g2dpc